It’s that Time Again!

Hello 2017!

Another year hath gone by and a new year of WriYe has come around. My attempt at WriYe 2016 was dismal to say the least but I’m back in the saddle and stronger than ever!

What’s your Wriye Word Count goal and why did you chose it? What are you going to be focusing on this year? What are you doing differently this year compared to last year?

My word count goal for 2017 is 250,000 words. Its a nice achievable number and I think that if I can write consistently every day, that I can blow this goal out of the water. I really wanted a word count goal that was both high enough to be challenging, but low enough that I can be successful and 250k just felt right for both of those.

I have three things that I want to focus on for this year.

  1. Consistency: Writing every day is a must, even if its just a little bit. I want to get used to writing at the same time each day until it becomes habit to get my words done each morning.
  2. Publication: Of Chaotic Galaxies:Blood, Its been too long since I published my first novel and I’m determined that I WILL get Blood on sale and out there for everyone who’s been waiting for it!
  3. Editing: So much editing to do. I’ve got first drafts for a half dozen Chaotic Galaxies novels just waiting on the shelf to be polished. That doesn’t even include other projects that also need to be dusted off and buffed to a shine!

Its hard to say what I’m going to do differently this year from previous years. I guess the most obvious would be to stick with it. Fight through real life stresses and just take the time to really forget those struggles and concentrate on my writing. I’ve got to learn to make writing a priority and not to be distracted by all the other fun things there are to do.

What are you most excited about for in 2017? Writing wise or not. Let us know!

I’m excited to finally have Chaotic Galaxies: Blood in my hands, and hopefully my Short Story Collection as well. There’s just something about holding your neatly bound, glossy covered, new book smelling novel in your hand with your name neatly printed in the corner. I’m looking forward to that experience again!

I’m also excited about the prospect of having my sister closer to me as she’s possibly moving to a town much closer to mine!!

Here’s hoping I can keep up the excitement for this upcoming writing year that I feel right now. With the help of the WriYe girls on our Chat Group, I’m sure I will. 🙂

5 thoughts on “It’s that Time Again!

  1. Consistency is definitely the key. I try to write every night at about 7 pm, as I found I’m more inspired at night than during the day. It’s different for every person, though, and you need to find the time that works best for you.

    I hope you get your novel published, and I would love to be notified when, not if, it happens. Maybe you can announce it in the blog.

    1. I took a writing class in college and she urged us all to have a notebook she called our “Morning Pages”, that we were supposed to write three pages in, first thing in the morning, no matter how bad it was. Even if all we wrote was “This is silly, I’m so tired, why am I doing this?”

      I really liked the idea, but the idea of writing in the MORNING was just mind-boggling. So I renamed the project my “Midnight Pages” and it worked much better! (And I STILL keep my Midnight Pages, though I don’t write nearly every day, but a couple times a week.)

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